PT MULTI TRADING INDONESIA GLOBAL (mtiglobal) was founded in 2005, as an IT Vendor and System Integrator company, providing IT Infrastructure and Business Application solutions, including consultancy to delivering a well-proven implementation, maintenance and other value-added services to our customer
We built startegic alliances with our trusted technology partners that embrace Digital Transformation and vision to help you achieve your business goals more efficient, productive and secure. we believe every company has their unique business goals. Therefore, our certified engineer can help you to do customization that fits with your company's strategic needs & situation
With more than two decades of a data management expertise we will provide you best solution fitting to your budget ranging from impeccable backup solution to High Availabilty hardwares and data flow optimization
Data Protection and Performance Consultancy
Capacity Rental
Backup as a Services

We are always looking for skilled IT professionals to join our team. If you think you’d make a good fit, have a look at our open positions, or leave an unsolicited application.
Plaza de Lumina Blok B no 29, Jakarta Barat 11750